Nyheter om svininfluensan A(H1N1) 2009-09-22

tisdag 22 september 2009

Detta är en sammanfattning av nyheterna om svininfluensan A(H1N1) 2009-09-22. Meningen är att skapa ett nyhetsflöde som går att följa över tiden. Detta kan bland annat vara intressant i framtiden samtidigt som de viktigaste nyheterna finns samlade på samma plats

Svininfluensan har inte muterat
Viruset A/H1N1 som ligger bakom svininfluensan har inte förändrat sig genetiskt till någon mer aggressiv variant sedan smittan blev känd i våras.


CDC: Influenza Season Week 36 2009
During week 36 (September 6-12, 2009), influenza activity increased in the U.S.


Mist version of swine flu vaccine to be ready soon
FluMist will probably go mainly to healthcare workers, as it is not approved for children under 2, adults over 49 or pregnant women. It is expected to be available at the beginning of October.


Cold? Flu? H1N1? How can you tell the difference?
When Tyra Smith's boyfriend, Chris Lewis, first suggested they be guinea pigs in a H1N1 vaccination study in August, she wasn't so crazy about the idea. But then she warmed to it: While she doesn't like needles, she thought she'd help out because she knew H1N1 was a serious virus.


Gov't: Single H1N1 Flu Shot Enough For Older Kids
Studies of the new H1N1 (swine flu) vaccine show children 10 and older will need just one shot for protection against swine flu - but younger kids will need two.


Kids younger than 10 seem to need 2 swine flu shots
Studies of the new swine flu vaccine in the U.S. show that children 10 years old and older need just one shot for protection, but younger kids appear to need two.


Get a Flu Shot or You're Fired
The New York State Health Department is now requiring mandatory seasonal and swine flu vaccinations for all hospital, home health and hospice workers.



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22 september 2009 kl. 16:31

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