Nyheter om svininfluensan A(H1N1) 2009-08-11Del 2

tisdag 11 augusti 2009

Detta är en sammanfattning av nyheterna om svininfluensan A(H1N1) 2009-08-11. Meningen är att skapa ett nyhetsflöde som går att följa över tiden. Detta kan bland annat vara intressant i framtiden samtidigt som de viktigaste nyheterna finns samlade på samma plats

Svininfluensa på Malmösjukhus
"Enligt Peter Lanbeck, verksamhetschef på sjukhusets infektionsklinik, har man vidtagit alla nödvändiga åtgärder för att hindra att smittan sprids vidare. "


India swine flu toll rises to 10

"The number of people to die of swine flu in India has risen to 10 with the death of three more patients on Tuesday, federal health officials say."


More Swine Flu Shots May Beat Treatment in U.K., Lancet Says
"Aug. 8 (Bloomberg) -- Expanding a swine flu vaccination policy to include all working-age adults may be cheaper and provide more public health benefits than increasing availability of antiviral drugs such as Roche Holding AG’s Tamiflu, a U.K. study found. "


Scientists study past flu pandemics for clues to future course of 2009 H1N1 virus
"A commonly held belief that severe influenza pandemics are preceded by a milder wave of illness arose because some accounts of the devastating flu pandemic of 1918-19 suggested that it may have followed such a pattern."


America Gets Ready to Overreact to Swine Flu... Again
"We all remember how the human race barely survived the Swine Flu/H1N1 pandemic last spring, but now it looks like the virus is coming back for another swing."



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